World Federation of Music Therapy teaching on Crisis Support through Music Therapy

World Federation of Music Therapy teaching on Crisis Support through Music Therapy

Today the 10th of March the World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT) offered a SPECIAL WEBINAR FOR UKRAINE: MUSIC THERAPY IN CRISIS SUPPORT.

Music therapy specialists around the world have responded admirably to the growing humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. They are working long hours in very difficult circumstances to offer help to individuals and families who are severely traumatized and had to leave their homes very suddenly, fleeing for their lives.

This specially organized crisis intervention webinar featured music therapy experts in psychological first aid and trauma care who have vast experience working with refugees in disaster and crisis situations. The main objective of this webinar was to provide music therapists, currently working with refugees or preparing to receive refugees, with specialized training and technical support. 

It was a great privilege to to have the rar opportunity to learn from the panel of experts Barbara A. Else (USA), Liz Llewellyn-Coombes (UK), Mireya Gonzalez (CHILE) and Mitsi Akoyunoglou (GREECE).

All my thank to them for their kindness of spirit and generosity of service to provide us with such insightful hands on knowledge.

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